Monday, August 30, 2010


While traveling along the road to the nature reserve this afternoon we came across a troop of baboons lying in the road. I wanted a picture of the adorable babies so I asked Mark to stop. I rolled the window down to get a good shot and a HUGE male baboon jumped onto my window. He was three inches from my hand and baring his teeth. I screamed and threw my camera at him without even thinking. Thankfully he let go of the window and my camera bounced off his chin and into the car. All the road signs indicate that baboons are dangerous and will open car doors or even bust windows looking for food. This guy hit the jackpot when I opened the window for him and was distracted by the cute babies…..Mark and talk about what would have happened if he had crawled all the way in the window. I’ve learned my lesson. Deb

photo coming

1 comment:

  1. While I'm sure this was frightening/scary, Jacob and I couldn't help laughing reading about your baboon encounter. I'm embarrassed that my first reaction was "Oh, no, the camera...they lost all of their pictures." In re-reading it and noting the warning posted for that area I can see you are very, very fortunate no one was hurt.
